Latest from A Library with a View

This week marked the end of our School of Law exams, and tomorrow morning graduates will share in a celebratory virtual commencement ceremony. Earlier today the law school shared a compilation video of best wishes with the world. Many members of the Law Library can be seen shouting a group congrats message at 19 minutes

image from, reuse pursuant to Commission Decision 2011/833/EU
The European Union celebrates Europe Day, tomorrow, May 9, to commemorate the 1950 Schuman Declaration proposing consolidated European coal and steel industries, binding the member nations so closely together that renewed war would be unthinkable. The Schuman Declaration is considered to be the genesis of

Today at 3 PM we will host our 4th pet therapy, live in Zoom! Everyone in the law school community is invited to join anytime between 3 and 3:30 PM. The stars of the show will be all of our pets (aspiring therapy dogs, cats, and any others – all are welcome!), but humans without

Highsmith, Carol M, photographer. Kayaks at June Lake, a census-designated place in Mono County, California. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>
All three major legal research services are providing some form of summer access for rising 2Ls and 3LS, along with continuing access for graduating law students. Representatives from Bloomberg, Lexis and Westlaw