We have already highlighted art and pet therapy resources from our Stress Busters LibGuide, as well as puzzles and other live zoom events. Today we want to share our “Fuel Up” section of the guide where librarians are sharing their favorite methods and recipes for what keeps them focused and feeling good when the weight of studying, teaching or working in general gets them down. Think of these resources as the virtual equivalent to last fall’s Peanut Butter & Jelly DIY Bar!

Making the Perfect Cup of Tea with Heather Simmons

Tea with Ann

Heather having afternoon tea in Philadelphia.

Associate Director for Instruction and Access Services Librarian Heather Simmons is so particular about her cups of English tea that she would not accept her husband’s proposal of marriage until he proved that he could prepare her tea properly. She has served tea to librarians and staff at our Law Library with all the appropriate serving ware and other tea essentials. This LIVE Zoom session was recorded! As with all of our other zoom sessions, instructions for how to join live including a link and password are available from the 6 Ft. Together Community Hub area of the UGA School of Law Student Portal. After the session we will add the video to our “Fuel Up” stress-busting resource guide.

Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee with Stephen Wolfson

Stephen & his son Clarke

Copyright and Research Services Librarian Stephen Wolfson is known around the office for being our biggest coffee connoisseur. While working from home Stephen has kindly created a video to share with the rest of us how he brews the perfect cup. Enjoy this tutorial while you stay home, stay safe, and home brew your own wake-me-up cups! To try this at home, Stephen suggests that you use about 25 grams of coffee for every 16 mls of water (a ratio of about 1.6 grams coffee, medium-fine ground, for every 1 ml of water), and recommends the water temperature be approximately 206 degrees F. Watch the video embedded above, in the guide, or on YouTube!

Making the Perfect Cookies with Rachel Evans


Rachel, her son Oscar, and Pickles

Metadata Services Librarian Rachel Evans has been baking even more than usual since working from home. With a 4 year old son who also happens to be an aspiring chef, the sweet treat recipes have been particularly popular. Here she shares her son’s favorite cookie recipe, complete with his own special ingredients and illustration. The “mystery” ingredients are generous, unmeasured portions of chocolate syrup and peanut butter, to taste! Oscar came up with the title of the recipe, inspired by his love of Scooby Doo and all things Halloween. For the recipe, visit the “Fuel Up” section of our Stress Busters guide: VAMPIRE BAT MYSTERY CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES