Highsmith, Carol M, photographer. Kayaks at June Lake, a census-designated place in Mono County, California. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <www.loc.gov/item/2013633180/>

All three major legal research services are providing some form of summer access for rising 2Ls and 3LS, along with continuing access for graduating law students. Representatives from Bloomberg, Lexis and Westlaw each provide the details here:


• Continuing students automatically have summer access with no limitations.
• 2020 graduates automatically have access for 6 months after graduation.
• Questions? Contact Vrenda Crain vcain@bloomberglaw.com


• Continuing students automatically have summer access with no limitations.
• 2020 graduates automatically have access through the end of the year.
• Questions? Contact Brittany Conklin brittany.conklin@lexisnexis.com


Summer Access for returning students

Students can use Thomson Reuters products, including Westlaw and Practical Law, over the summer for non-commercial research. Students may turn to these resources to gain understanding and build confidence in research skills, but cannot use them in situations requiring billing a specific client at a law firm. Examples of permissible uses for an academic password include the following but are not limited to:

• Summer coursework or any type of academic research
• Research assistant assignments
• Law review or journal research
• Moot court or any trial competition research
• Non-profit work
• Clinical work
• Externship/internship sponsored by the school

No action is required to gain access to these tools over the summer. Any questions?Please email Sue Moore at sue.moore@tr.com

Westlaw Grad Access for May 2020 Graduates

Students with a May 2020 graduation date will have regular access until May 31st. Starting June 1st and ending Nov 30, 2020, graduates will have extended Westlaw and Practical Law access for 60 hours per month for six months. This access is part of the academic subscription and there is no charge for thiwestlawscreencaps extended access.

To check on post-graduation access status, graduates should sign on to lawschool.tr.com with user name and password, then click on their name in the top right corner. The link there for “Grad Elite Status” will display whether the graduate has already extended. Graduates can extend at any time during the 6 month period, but note that this access will end on Nov 30th, 2020. Any questions about Westlaw grad access? Please email Sue Moore at sue.moore@tr.com