It has been too long since we recognized our own librarians and staff for the awesome work they do. This spring several individuals were nominated for awards, promoted in their position, or have taken on leadership roles both near and far. In this post we highlight four of the most recent examples. Way to go!

David Rutland, Collection Services Manager elected Chair of LSRG:

David was very recently elected to serve as Chair of the Law School Staff Representative Group! He started these responsibilities May 7, 2020, and will serve a 2 year term. Learn more about LSRG from their webpage. Get to know David better in our blog post interview with him from 2018 or his web profile.

Jason Tubinis, Information Technology Librarian elected SEAALL Secretary:

Jason was very recently elected to serve as Secretary for the Southeastern Association of American Law Libraries executive board. The announcement was made at the recent virtual SEAALL business meeting. For more information about SEAALL visit their webpage. Get to know Jason better by visiting his faculty profile.

Stephen Wolfson, Research & Copyright Services Librarian promoted to Librarian II:

This spring it was announced that Stephen has been appointed the rank of Librarian II. Stephen has taught multiple courses since his arrival in 2018, including undergraduate courses about copyright and privacy. Get to know Stephen better in our 2018 interview with him, or his profile.

Carol Watson, Director of the Law Library inducted into AALL Hall of Fame:

Carol is being inducted into the American Association of Law Libraries Hall of Fame! Announced in mid-April of 2020, this award honors members whose contributions to the profession and service to AALL have been significant, substantial and long-standing. Get to know Carol’ achievements more by exploring her faculty profile. Read more about AALL Hall of Fame on their website.